Sample Study Hour. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Shaker Heights, OH 44120 (216) 295-4200 (216) 295-4203 (attendance) (216) 295-4277 (fax) School Start Time: 8:20 a. School End Time: Varies. Please watch this recording of the March 18 panel discussion, High School Forward, to learn more about our plans for the 2021-22 school year and vision for the years to come. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Becoming the first school district in Greater Cleveland—and one of only seven districts across the nation—to provide the International Baccalaureate Programme to students in all grade levels underscores our vision to be the first choice school district for. July 16, 2023—Beginning this week, families will be asked to complete the returning student registration form located in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Password. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights; Shaker Heights Public Library;A nine-year veteran teacher, this is Mr. org. Woodbury FrEight Students Earn Academic Honors. Report Cards for Grades 5-12 Available in PowerSchool More + Shaker Heights Schools Announces Installation of Stadium Lights More + Work Permit. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;Shaker Apparel; Shaker Schools Foundation; State of the Schools; Work At Shaker; Enroll. Mobile App: Download the FREE app from the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and the. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights; Shaker Heights Public Library; Connect with us!Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. If you have not set up a PowerSchool account or need a refresher on using it, refer to the guide below. Shaker Heights Schools is proud to celebrate the many accomplishments and life paths set forth by our 2021 graduating class! As seen here, their achievements are many and their after graduation plans include a variety of paths. for the District’s community-wide Back-to-School Barbecue! All community members within the Shaker Heights Schools attendance area are invited. September 6, 2022 - Eight Shaker Heights High School students earned academic honors from the College Board’s National Recognition Programs. Students may also view their individual report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website with their Shaker Heights Schools credentials. All trademarks are either owned or licensed by PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliates. Middle School Health/Physical Education. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker HeightsNational Suicide Prevention Lifeline (multiple resources for coping strategies) Magination Press Family (resources from the American Psychological Association) Stress Relief Playbook. August 10, 2022 -- We are looking forward to welcoming our students back for another successful school year!. To do this we oversee several functions: buildings and grounds maintenance, custodial services, construction projects; and. Save and return to forms in progress. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. . 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. The Audrey Stout Learning Garden at Shaker Heights High School is a living outdoor learning lab. College database and other educational. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Watch for PowerSchool Email to Update Your Returning Student’s Info More + Final 2022-2023 Report Cards for All Students Available in PowerSchool. The Early Childhood Program is looking for Peer. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;Report Cards for Grades 5-12 Available in PowerSchool More + Shaker Heights Schools Announces Installation of Stadium Lights More + Work Permit. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. School End Time: Varies. Please be sure to review the information on this page prior to making course selections. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Regional jurors selected 15% of the submitted artwork for consideration by. Shaker Heights, OH 44120 (216) 295-4200 (216) 295-4203 (attendance) (216) 295-4277 (fax) School Start Time: 8:20 a. His creative approach to teaching is helping students approach math in a new way that has them excited. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Communications: Stay connected with Shaker Heights Schools via app, email, social media and more. Hughes, who will begin this summer, succeeds Miata Hunter, who will become a secondary level instructional coach. Parents of students in grades K-12 can access report cards, view absences and check grades online using PowerSchool. Student usernames are the first part of their Shaker email address before the ‘@’, and the password is the student’s Google password. Of course, the District is committed to making. PowerSchool Help Parents of students in grades K-12 can access report cards, view absences and check grades online using PowerSchool . Login ID: Password: 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120The monthly Meeting Notice (also known as Sunshine Report) is posted at the beginning of each month and updated if meeting times or locations change. The Shaker Heights Sports Boosters is a non-profit organization that champions a thriving athletic community with opportunities for all Shaker Schools student-athletes in grades 7-12. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. At our Lyman Campus in Shaker Heights, Kindergarten, First and Second Graders begin their journey through Primary School. PowerSchool/Parent Access Help; School Security; Testing; Transportation;Welcome to: User ID: Password: Forgot your Password? Please use your Employee Access Center username and password. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. December 6, 2022—The Shaker Heights Schools IT Department has been made aware of an issue related to the PowerSchool Portal app on mobile devices preventing users from viewing current student grades, schedules and other related information. Phone: 216-295. Shaker Heights Schools News Article Report Cards for Grades 5-12 Available in PowerSchool November 11, 2022—Woodbury, Middle School and High. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. The Forward Together initiative continues to provide opportunities for community engagement and dialogue that directly inform the District’s development of a Long-Term. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. There will be 525 crews from 11 states and Canada coming to compete. Shaker Heights Public Schools Shaker Heights is among a handful of PreK. If you are logging in to Employee Access Center for the first time, please click Link Account, and register by filling out the requested information. for the District’s community-wide Back-to-School Barbecue! All community members within the Shaker Heights Schools attendance area are invited. Monday through Friday. Student usernames are the first part of their Shaker email address before the ‘@’, and the password is the student’s Google password. Shaker Heights High School; Shaker Heights Middle School; Woodbury Elementary; Boulevard Elementary; Fernway Elementary; Lomond Elementary; Mercer Elementary;. Shaker Heights Middle School; Athletics; Bell Schedules; Library Program; IB Middle Years Programme; Parent Organizations; Resources for Families; School Counseling Program; Staff Directory;. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Final 2022. December 6, 2022—The Shaker Heights Schools IT Department has been made aware of an issue related to the PowerSchool Portal app on mobile devices preventing users from viewing current student grades, schedules and other related information. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. m. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. for the District’s community-wide Back-to-School Barbecue! All community members within the Shaker Heights Schools attendance area are invited. Band Boosters. You can reach out to the individuals listed on the right for further consultation or complete the following referral form. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. At the beginning of the school year, ensure your contact information is updated through the PowerSchool portal. A video from the movie, Dead Poet’s Society, with students talking about looking at things from different perspectives. Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Review each day's morning announcements. Improve mobile capabilities. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Shaker Apparel; Shaker Schools Foundation; State of the Schools; Work At Shaker; Enroll. Shaker Heights Middle School; Athletics; Bell Schedules; Library Program; IB Middle Years Programme; Parent Organizations; Resources for Families;. for the District’s community-wide Back-to-School Barbecue! All community members within the Shaker Heights Schools attendance area are invited. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. User ID. Parents of students in grades K-12 can access report cards, view absences and check grades online using PowerSchool. User ID. The redesign will provide users with a new look and feel that will: Provide a cleaner, easy-to-navigate main page. BD: Incoming Kindergarten Family Social Boulevard 4:30 PM -. Health Services: Information about immunizations and medication at school. Turn right on Lee Road and continue to Shaker Boulevard. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;Students may also view their individual report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website with their Shaker Heights Schools credentials. Upcoming Events. Shaker Heights, OH 44120 (216) 295-4200 (216) 295-4203 (attendance) (216) 295-4277 (fax) School Start Time: 8:20 a. PowerSchool. Join us on education's cutting edge at the year's most transformative K. Parents of students in grades K-12 can access report cards, view absences and check grades online using PowerSchool. collaborate and communicate effectively. Phone: 216-295. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Student usernames are the first part of their Shaker email address before the ‘@’, and the password is the student’s Google password. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;The Shaker Crew teams will be action in a rare "home" competition this Saturday in the Head of the Cuyahoga Regatta. Middle School Faculty & Staff. Better highlight District priorities. December 5, 2020—You can view your student’s report card by logging into ProgressBook directly or through the Abre portal. Complete forms online. . Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;December 6, 2022—The Shaker Heights Schools IT Department has been made aware of an issue related to the PowerSchool Portal app on mobile devices preventing users from viewing current student grades, schedules and other related information. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;Students may also view their individual report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website with their Shaker Heights Schools credentials. m. Aug 08. RSVP to Attend the Annual Back-to-School BBQ! Pack your chairs and blankets and head over to the Onaway field on Wednesday, August 2, from 6-8 p. Ms. Michael Sears and Nowak Tours that provides information on how to register your grade 8 student for this field experience. Reading Lists. to 6 p. Safe School Helpline. Phone: 216-295. Safe School Helpline. m. 359. Watch for PowerSchool Email to Update Your Returning Student’s InfoClick HERE to watch the video of this meeting facilitated by Mr. Bokar’s first year with Shaker Heights Schools. Phone: 216-295. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights;Students may also view their individual report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website with their Shaker Heights Schools credentials. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker. Shaker Heights Schools Early Childhood Programs. The Shaker Heights City School District has always been a trailblazer in education excellence. PowerSchool/Parent Access Help; School Security; Testing; Transportation;Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Aug 03. . The email you provide will be used for communication throughout the enrollment process and school year. Shaker Students Login with their Shaker Username (the part of their email directly before @stu. Final 2022-2023 Report Cards for All Students Available in PowerSchool More + Watch the Class of 2023 Commencement Ceremony Recording! More + Work Permit. ”Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. March 18, 2021—Shaker Heights High School junior Halle Krohn’s artwork “Power” was selected as one of the Top 25 artworks for the annual Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition. Any emergency that requires immediate help from police, firefighters, or medical technicians, call 911. “I’ve been able to learn about topics that are more interesting to me,” said junior Marissa Garrett-Morris. achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Tuition discounts will be offered to families. July 16, 2023—Beginning this week, families will be asked to complete the returning student registration form located in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker Heights; Shaker Heights Public Library; Connect with us!. m. While helpful, more assistance may be necessary. Michael Sears and Nowak Tours that provides information on how to register your grade 8 student for this field experience. A Community Is Known By The Schools It Keeps. Pack your chairs and blankets and head over to the Onaway field on Wednesday, August 2, from 6-8 p. Staff who currently report to work at the High School should work remotely unless otherwise directed by Principal Eric Juli or your. In the spring of 2015, the fund will help support the choir's trip to Budapest, Salzburg, and Vienna. Resources for Middle School. Middle School Department Chair. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Shaker Heights High School; Shaker Heights Middle School; Woodbury Elementary; Boulevard Elementary; Fernway Elementary; Lomond Elementary; Mercer Elementary;. Students may also view their individual report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website with their Shaker Heights Schools credentials. Shaker Heights Schools News Article Report Cards for Grades K-4 Available in PowerSchool The District’s K-4 families can now view student report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website at and selecting “PDF Report Card” from the menu on the left. Final 2022-2023 Report Cards for All Students Available in PowerSchool Read More. Call the Registrar's Office at (216) 295-4321 or e-mail Glo Morris at [email protected] 2022-2023 Report Cards for All Students Available in PowerSchool. 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Back-to-School BBQ Shaker Heights Schools 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. | Shaker Heights City School DistrictClick HERE to watch the video of this meeting facilitated by Mr. Students may also view their individual report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website with their Shaker Heights Schools credentials. Hughes will become the next principal of Shaker Heights Middle School. m. Online: Mobile App: Download the FREE app from the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and the APPLE APP STORE. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Phone: 216-295-1400 Fax: 216-295-4340. Food & Nutrition: Lunch menus, online meal payment and tips for healthy eating. com) with the subject Shaker Heights City School District Returning Student Registration. You can reach out to the individuals listed on the right for further consultation or complete the following referral form. From Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. The High School will be closed until power is restored. Michael Sears and Nowak Tours that provides information on how to register your grade 8 student for this field experience. If you have not set up aPowerSchool Parent Quick Reference Guide. Back-to-School BBQ Shaker Heights Schools 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Click HERE to watch the video of this meeting facilitated by Mr. Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Shaker Heights Schools & Offices Closed Friday, Feb. The following resources have been selected by our school staff to support the social and emotional needs of your student and your family. (Rain date: Thursday, August 3)Shaker Heights Schools is excited to introduce Abre, a new platform that provides you with access to important and useful information that is specific to your student (s). GOTR meets twice weekly on Mondays and Fridays after school until 5:00 pm. Student usernames are the first part of their Shaker email address before the ‘@’, and the password is the student’s Google password. Middle School Language Acquisition. Shaker has 13 boats racing from 8 a. Safe Schools Helpline; Shop our Store; Staff Directory; Careers; City of Shaker HeightsReport Cards for Grades 5-12 Available in PowerSchool More + Shaker Heights Schools Announces Installation of Stadium Lights More + Work Permit. Woodbury Elementary School6th Grade Clap-outWednesday, June 2, 20219:00 a. (Rain date: Thursday, August 3) Click the. Notices of special meetings will be posted. Students may also view their individual report cards by logging into the PowerSchool website with their Shaker Heights Schools credentials. Becoming the first school district in Greater Cleveland—and one of only seven districts across the nation—to provide the International Baccalaureate Programme to students in all grade levels underscores our vision to be the first choice school district for. The Safe School Helpline ® is a confidential way to report concerns about unsafe or potentially disruptive activities or situations. • Third, Fourth and Fifth Graders complete the Primary years just seven miles away at our 150-acre Butler Campus in. Report Cards for Grades K-4 Available in PowerSchool More + District Working to Set 2023-2024, 2024-2025 Academic Calendars More + PowerSchool Mobile Update Issue More + Contact. "We are confident that our graduates’ time at Shaker has prepared. Read More. Students will start the school year as follows: School Day 1 (Wednesday, August 24): K, Grades 5, 7 and 9 attend all day. Final 2022-2023 Report Cards for All Students Available in PowerSchool More + MS Summer Reading Information Available.